13-17 Jan 2025 Metabief (France)


Accommodation is included in the registration fee. This includes full board accommodation from Sunday 12.01.2025 evening (dinner included) until Sunday 19.01.2025 morning (breakfast included). Rooms must be vacated on the morning of departure before 10:00 a.m.

Senior participants will be accommodated in a single room (1 person per room). Junior participants may have to share your room with one or two other participants. You will be informed about this when we confirm their participation.

The conference will take place on site at the AZUREVA center in dedicated spaces.


AZUREVA Center - 15 rue de la ranconnière - 25370 Métabief - France

Phone : +33 3 81 49 45 45

Web site:  https://www.azureva-vacances.com/fr/village-vacances/metabief/hiver

Transport: please consult "Travel information" tab.

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